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电子邮箱:crbde@163.com ,联系电话:18929555518












2015.6—2016.8   美的制冷研究院

20169月至今    伟德国际1949始于英国,伟德国际1949始于英国



[1] Cao Rui BingChen Ya PingWu Jia Feng. Simulation of vapor absorption of aqueous LiBr solution on alternate heat and mass transfer surfaces of corrugated plates and mesh pecking [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 989-994 (3): 831-836. EI

[2] Cao Rui BingChen Ya PingWu Jia Feng. Implementation of heat exchanger performance testing system of heat transfer and flow resistance. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition). 2012, 28(1):46-51. EI

[3] Chen YapingCao RuibingWu JiafengDong CongSheng Yanjun. Experimental study on shell side heat transfer performance of circumferential overlap trisection helical baffle heat exchangers [C]. ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. IMECE2011-63254, 10(A&B): 27-33. Nov., 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA. ISTPBGZ59EI

[4] Y.P. Chen, R.B Cao, C. DongJ.F Wu. Numerical simulation on performances of trisection helical baffle heat exchangers with small baffle inclined angles[J]. Numerical Heat Transfer Applications , 2016, 692:180-194. SCI

[5] Y.P Chen, R.B Cao, J-F Wu. Alternate heat and mass transfer absorption performances on staggered tube bundle with"M-W"corrugated mesh guiders[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration,2016,66:10-20. SCI

[6] 陈亚平,董聪,操瑞兵,吴嘉峰,周向重叠三分螺旋折流板换热器壳侧性能实验研究,工程热物理学报,2013337):1193-1196. EI

[7]盛艳军,陈亚平,操瑞兵,董聪,吴嘉峰,异型孔隔板换热器壳侧传热与阻力性能的试验研究,东南大学学报,2012422):318-322 . EI

[8] Wang Weihan, Chen Yaping, Cao Ruibing, Shi Mingheng . Analysis of secondary flow in shell-side channel of trisection helix heat exchangers. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2010, 26(3): 426-430. EI

[9] Jiafeng Wu ,Jiafeng Wu ,Zheyu Yi, Yaping ChenRuibing CaoCong Dong. Enhanced heat and mass transfer in alternating structure of tubes and longitudinal trough mesh packing in lithium bromide solution absorber[J].International Journal of Refrigeration,2015,5334-41. SCI

[10] Cong Dong, Ya-Ping Chen, Jia-Feng Wu, Rui-bing Cao. Performance study of a circumferential overlap trisectionhelical baffle heat exchanger at the shell sideHeat Transfer Engineering, 2015, 3613:1132-1143. SCI









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